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タアコバ 玉川店

タアコバ 玉川店

玉川周辺の街のような落ち着いた中にも若々しさを感じるよう、曙色と山桃色をテーマカラーにしました。これは日本の伝統色、着物の染めに使われる色語です。曙色は東雲色とも呼ばれ、夜明け前、太陽が地平線下に位置する時間帯に見られる際のニュアンスある橙色のこと。山桃色は中国名では楊梅という常緑高木の樹皮を染料にした色です。温かみのある色合いを背景に、壁面や家具を「街の風景」と見立て、心穏やかに、ゆっくりくつろげる空間をデザインしました。 (床面積82.76㎡/施術席/5席) photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

Nail care salon, TAACOBA Tamagawa

Nail care salon, TAACOBA Tamagawa

The theme color of this salon is "Akebono color" and "Yamamomo color". Akebono mean the daybreak. And the light yellowish pink is called the Akebono color. It is the orange color in the sky which is seen in the time when the sun is located in the horizon bottom at the break of day.The bayberry color is the light delicate yellow, the bark of bayberry is used as dyeing of a kimono. I used the Japanese traditional warm color so that customers were able to be relaxed calmly slowly in this salon.

TAACOBA Tamagawa

TAACOBA Tamagawa (Floor area :82.76㎡/5 seats) photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

TAACOBA Tamagawa

TAACOBA Tamagawa photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

TAACOBA Tamagawa

TAACOBA Tamagawa photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

TAACOBA Tamagawa

TAACOBA Tamagawa photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

TAACOBA Tamagawa

TAACOBA Tamagawa photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

TAACOBA Tamagawa

TAACOBA Tamagawa photo by Nacása & Partners Inc

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