親子弁当 / OYAKO, Bento-box
Just the right size and shape for small hands. OYAKO is a series of petite Magewappa designed for children. A new form of authentic artisan craftsmanship at Odate Kougeisha. We supervised the package design.
(Magewappa Bento-box, Material: Akita cedar Polyurethane paint, Manufacturer: Odate Kougeisha Co.,Ltd. )
S size:130 x 87 x 50, 250cc
M size:145 x 97 x 50, 310cc
L size:164 x 108 x 50, 400cc
3 size set box : 387 x 180 x 60
2 size set box : 260 x 180 x 60
These will be an ordered product and it will take about a week for domestic delivery.
ご使用上の注意 / Caution
- 直火、電子レンジ、オーブン、食器洗い洗浄機・乾燥機、洗浄時のクレンザー、漂白剤、タワシ等の硬いスポンジ類
- 水やお湯の中に長時間浸けたままにしないでください。
- 変形や変色の原因となるので、直射日光や火のそばに置かないでください。
- 金属カトラリーや木製箸などで表面を突くと仕上塗膜に傷がつき、黒ずみの原因となるので、十分にご注意ください。
- Do not use gas cooker, microwave, oven, dishwasher, dryer, cleanser, breach and scrubbing wool.
- Do not let it soak in cold or hot water for a long time.
- Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near flames. Discoloration and distortion might occur.
- Avoid metal cutlery. Do not poke with wood chopsticks.