About issun
"issun" means Japanese human scale. Designing "Ma" or spatial intervals, in search of a comfortable relationship between the human mind/body, time, environment and society.

田中 行
京都生まれ、神戸育ち。1991年 武蔵野美術大学建築学科卒業後、スタジオ80にて5年間内田繁氏に師事。フリーランス活動の後、渡仏。マルチーヌ•ブダン事務所で研修、アフリカなど遊学。2001年に建築+デザイン事務所イッスンを設立。建築、インテリア、プロダクトまで幅広くデザインを手がけ、最近は様々な産地の伝統工芸の商品開発に参画している。
第3回住空間デザインコンペ・入賞、第15回CSデザイン賞・装飾部門銀賞、第6回清州国際工芸ビエンナーレ公募展佳作受賞、2011年、2013年グッドデザイン賞受賞、2013年JIDA デザインミュージアムセレクションvo.14 選出。
Born in Kyoto. Graduated from Architectural Department, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, 1991. Worked at Studio 80 lead by Interior Designer Shigeru Uchida. And worked at Martine Bedin studio, Bordeaux, France, Studied and traveled in Europe and Africa. Founded architecture + design ISSUN in 2001. Extensive experiences in architecture, interior design and product design. Recently involved in various product developments using traditional craft techniques in Japan.
Design proposal for Residential Design Competition 2005, Awarded: Honorable mention , with Kazuko Sakamoto. Oishiku Taberu Design Exhibition, The silver prize in CS DESIGN competition in 2008 sponsored by Nakagawa chemical,Inc. ”MICHI” : lunch box made of Magewappa, or traditional craft of bent wood in Akita, Honorable Mention, Cheongju International Craft Competition 2009 in Korea. “KIKI” : lunch box made of Magewappa, Good Design Awards 2011 in Japan. UZUI” : Cup made of Magewappa, Good Design Awards 2013 in Japan.“YU·WA·I” : gift bag for bottles, JIDA Design Museum Selection vol.14 2013 by Japan Industrial Designer’s Association.